Whether you’re interested in take-home teeth whitening or a full smile makeover, our cosmetic dentistry services will meet your needs and exceed your greatest expectations. 

Thomas Brown, DDS, and our team have offered friendly, professional dental care in Naperville for 30 years. Our multilingual staff believes in individualized treatment and care, and we employ the latest technology for premium comfort, accurate diagnostics, and minimally invasive treatments. In addition to his gentle chairside manner, Dr. Brown keeps patients mentally and physically comfortable by providing various levels of sedation dentistry. He also offers many cosmetic dentistry services, so your smile can become unforgettably beautiful.

Explore our menu of cosmetic dentistry services below, and call us at (630) 296-9916 if you have any questions or want to schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Brown.

Teeth Whitening with Opalescence Office and Home Systems

Brightening your teeth could trim years off your apparent age and make you feel more confident sharing your smile in public. Choose from grab-and-go or customized home whitening systems, or opt for a quick in-office treatment. Your teeth can shine up to 8 shades brighter with widely known and respected Opalescence Whitening systems.

Same-Day Porcelain Crowns, Inlays, & Onlays with CEREC

For patients who need new restorations or want to replace glaringly obvious metal restorations, we offer traditional, lab-made crowns, as well as one-visit CEREC crowns, inlays, and onlays. Crowns support a tooth’s structure by covering all surfaces above the gum line. Inlays and onlays are similar to fillings, but stronger to effectively restore teeth with large cavities.

White Fillings

Only 1% of humans avoid cavities during their lifetime, so chances are, you’ll need a cavity filled at some point. You may already have fillings, but you’d like metal/amalgam restorations replaced with tooth-colored, composite resin fillings. White fillings are custom-shaded to blend seamlessly with existing tooth enamel. With white fillings, only you and Dr. Brown will know you’ve had dental restorations!

Cosmetic Porcelain Veneers

When front teeth don’t look quite right due to stains, chips, unevenness, or other imperfections, as a cosmetic dentist, Dr. Brown may suggest porcelain veneers. These thin, durable, custom-shaded porcelain shells fit over the front surface of teeth to transform their color, shape, and size. Custom porcelain veneers can be placed on up to 20 teeth (top and bottom arches), though many patients choose veneers for the top 6 to 8 teeth that show when they smile. Here’s a bonus: veneers can last up to 20 years or more!

Composite Resin Bonding

To improve the look of permanently stained, malformed, chipped, or widely spaced teeth, Dr. Brown may recommend cosmetic bonding. This procedure utilizes the same material we use for white fillings: composite resin. While bonding does not last as long as porcelain veneers, it is an affordable alternative that can transform the look of your smile.

Botox(r) to Beautifully Frame Your Smile

Yes, we offer Botox! To highlight your new smile, Botox injections relaxes the muscles that create wrinkles and lines. Botox can be administered to the forehead, nose, and around the eyes, lips, and mouth to make you look years younger.

Schedule Your Cosmetic Dentistry Consultation Today!

Located in the Hawthorne Square Shopping Center near Downtown Naperville, Thomas F. Brown, DDS, offers gentle dental care to patients from Naperville, Lisle, Woodridge, Bolingbook, Warrenville, and surrounding communities. Whether you need general dentistry, a complex treatment plan, dental implants, or a complete smile makeover, as a restorative and cosmetic dentist, Dr. Brown will exceed your expectations.

For busy patients, we make dental care convenient. Our hours range from as early as 7:30 am some days and as late as 7:00 pm other days. We treat our patients like treasured guests by providing excellent customer service, as well as amenities like headphones for your personal listening pleasure, neck rolls to keep you comfortable, and various levels of sedation for optimal comfort. In addition, we see emergencies after hours, when necessary.

As a courtesy, we’ll file your dental insurance claim and accept your copay at the end of your visit. We also accept CareCredit and LendingClub, two leaders in no- and low-interest patient financing. Call us today at (630) 296-9916 to reserve your appointment.