Tooth sensitivity is a common dental woe that many of us have experienced at some point in our lives. That sharp, sudden twinge of pain while enjoying a frosty ice cream cone or sipping a hot beverage can be both discomforting and perplexing. Fear not! Our dentist in Naperville, IL, is here to explain why you might be experiencing minor dental pain.

Is tooth sensitivity keeping you from enjoying the finer things in life? If so, it’s time to contact Thomas F. Brown, DDS. Our dentist in Naperville, IL, can pinpoint the cause of tooth sensitivity and make treatment recommendations based on your unique needs. Contact our team today at (630) 369-3120 for lasting relief!

Understanding the root causes of tooth sensitivity is crucial for effective prevention and management. So, in today’s post, let’s dive into the five most common culprits behind this dental dilemma.

Exposed Tooth Roots

Oftentimes, exposed tooth roots are the primary cause of tooth sensitivity. The roots of our teeth are nerve-dense, but, luckily, our tooth enamel and gums protect these sensitive areas. However, when tooth enamel wears down or gum tissue recedes, it can expose those delicate tooth roots, leading to persistent tooth sensitivity. 

Enamel Erosion

The outer layer of our teeth (known as enamel) is a formidable defender against damage and bacteria. However, it is not indestructible

Acidic foods and beverages, along with poor oral hygiene practices and some medical conditions (like acid reflux), can contribute to enamel erosion. The loss of enamel exposes nerve-rich dentin, making the tooth weaker and more susceptible to sensitivity. 

Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)

Bruxism is a fancy way to say ‘teeth grinding,’ which is a habit that many individuals (roughly 13% of the population) unknowingly develop, often during sleep. The constant grinding and clenching during rest can wear down tooth enamel, leading to tooth sensitivity. 

Additionally, the excessive force exerted during bruxism episodes can cause microfractures in the teeth, further exposing the sensitive dentin under tooth enamel. Fortunately, our dentist in Naperville, IL, can create custom-made night guards to help alleviate the effects of bruxism and protect the teeth from further damage.

Tooth Decay and Cavities

Oftentimes, tooth decay is the direct result of poor oral hygiene and an overgrowth of harmful oral bacteria. As the decay progresses and reaches the sensitive inner layers of the tooth, it can cause sensitivity to temperatures and certain foods. 

Regular dental check-ups, a balanced diet, and proper oral hygiene habits can help prevent tooth decay and its unpleasant consequences.

Overzealous Brushing

While maintaining good oral hygiene is essential, overzealous brushing can do more harm than good. Brushing with excessive force or using a hard-bristled toothbrush can contribute to enamel abrasion, leading to tooth sensitivity. 

Our dentist in Naperville, IL, recommends using a soft-bristled toothbrush and adopting gentle brushing techniques to clean teeth effectively without causing unnecessary wear and tear on the enamel.

Beat Tooth Sensitivity with a Dentist in Naperville, IL

Tooth sensitivity is a common issue, but understanding its root causes empowers individuals to take proactive steps for prevention and management. If you’re living with tooth sensitivity, contact Thomas F. Brown, DDS, today. You can reach our dentist in Naperville, IL, online anytime or at (630) 369-3120.