It’s officially 2023, which means that many of us are making New Year’s resolutions. Some of us want to limit our screen time, while others want to focus on getting more physical activity. But, here’s something our general dentist in Naperville, IL, recommends: prioritize your smile for the best year yet!

Are you ready to kick off 2023 the right way? Then, schedule a preventive checkup and cleaning with Dr. Thomas F. Brown and his compassionate team today. We love new and existing patients, so schedule your appointment online here or by calling (630) 296-9916. 

In this post, our dentist in Naperville tells you four ways that you can get a brighter, healthier smile in 2023. Even simple changes to your oral hygiene routine can add up to major differences in your oral health this year.

1. Diversify Your Flossing Habits

Did you know that one of the leading causes of tooth loss in the United States is periodontal (gum) disease? In fact, periodontal disease may be the primary reason why nearly 120 million Americans are missing at least one of their teeth.

One of the best ways to combat periodontal disease is to floss regularly. But, with so many different kinds of floss available to us, it’s hard to know which one is the best. 

But, why choose when you can diversify

Diversifying your flossing habits allows you to get the most out of your oral hygiene. For example:

  • Traditional floss is perfect for removing plaque buildup on the sides of our teeth
  • Interdental flossers are great for removing plaque around periodontal pockets 
  • A water flosser is ideal for removing plaque below the gum line and in hard-to-reach areas

2. Strengthen Tooth Enamel

Weak tooth enamel is problematic. It can lead to extreme tooth sensitivity and cavities. And, unfortunately, tooth enamel does not regenerate or repair itself once injured. This means that once dental enamel is gone, it is gone forever.

Luckily, there are remineralizing products (like fluoride-containing toothpaste or mouthwash) that can strengthen areas of weakness. These products bind to the teeth, effectively patching areas of thin enamel. 

3. Protect Your Teeth at Night

Do you often wake up with a headache, sore jaws, or dental pain? If so, then you may be suffering from sleep bruxism, which is the unintentional clenching of the jaws while unconscious

Bruxism is an incredibly destructive condition, as clenched jaws can place over 200 pounds of pressure on the teeth. Night after night, this pressure can severely damage teeth, resulting in significant oral and systemic health issues.

Bruxism treatment with our dentist in Naperville can help you avoid devastating dental damage and chronic health conditions. Not only that, but you’ll wake up feeling more refreshed and well-rested, which means that you’ll be able to tackle all of your other New Year’s resolutions!

4. Schedule a Dental Checkup with Our Dentist in Naperville, IL

One of the best ways to get a brighter, healthier smile in 2023 is to schedule a routine checkup with our dentist in Naperville, IL. Whether new or existing, all patients can reach our team online here or by calling (630) 296-9916.